Book Cover Series

October – November 2020

  • The task: This series was designed in my Graphic Design 1 class. For this assignment, students were required to create a unified series of book covers that are about landmarks in the history of photography; three covers represent black and white historical photography and the fourth used a recent color photographer. I was assigned 3 black and white photographers, and told to find a recent color photographer that I particularly enjoyed.

  • The process: I hand picked these images carefully to showcase the variety of subjects and photos. I chose to place the type on a curved line to create fluidity and freedom throughout the page and contrast the rectangular photo shapes within the frame. I crafted a color scheme that looks modern, but complements the black and white photos, as well as the color photo.

Typefaces: Superclarendon, Avenir

Size: 7 x 10 in cover, .75 in. spine


Information Design